The six-county region which make up Mother Bedford is the home of a number of historical, heritage and genealogical societies. The following list includes as many of those societies as possible. Also included are the addresses of local libraries which possess extensive genealogical collections.
6441 Lincoln Highway, Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: (814-623-2011)
Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, Third Saturday of every month from 9:00am to 2:00pm
Library Usage Fee: $5.00 for the first hour and $2.00 per hour thereafter for non-members.
The Bedford County Historical Society is housed in an historic "bank" barn at 6441 Lincoln Highway, Bedford, PA, on U.S. 30 about four miles west of the center of Bedford Borough and about 3/4 mile east of the Jean Bonnet Tavern.
The Bedford County Historical Society’s resources include an extensive collection of published and unpublished family histories and family files donated by patrons and members of the society. Of particular interest are the genealogical notes accumulated by Tom Imler for the WPA. The society collects church records and cemetery records for the county and surrounding region, which includes the western counties of the state of Maryland. The library contains county histories of nearly all the counties in Pennsylvania. The library possesses a complete collection of all the series of the published Pennsylvania Archives in addition to a complete set of Samuel P. Bate’s History Of Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-1865, Volumes I, II, III, IV, published in 1869.
In addition to books, the Bedford County Historical Society has amassed a collection of microfilm that includes past issues of the Bedford Gazette and the U.S. Census for Bedford County and the surrounding region.
In 1996 the Bedford County Court House experienced broken water piping in the basement, and as a result, some of the original tax assessment returns and other records which had traditionally been stored there, were damaged. The incident pointed toward the need to provide better housing of those priceless records. The Bedford County Commissioners donated the tax assessment returns and many other records to the Historical Society where they were held until recently. Although the Historical Society no longer maintains custody of the county records, many of them were microfilmed while in their custody and are available for research purposes. Recently, a collection of veterans papers dating from the 1830s to the Civil War period were also donated to the society for safekeeping.
137 East Main St., Everett, PA 15537
Phone: (814-652-5922)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 1:00pm-8:00pm, Friday 10:00am-8:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
The Everett Free Library maintains some family history files, newspapers from the region, and microfilm of the U.S. Census for Bedford County for the years 1800 through 1910.
911 Church St., Saxton, PA 16678
Phone: (814-635-3533)
Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:00pm-9:00pm, Tuesday, Thursday 6:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm
The Saxton Community Library maintains a collection of published and unpublished family histories along with some county history books.
1600, 5th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601
Phone: (814-946-0417)
Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:30am-9:00pm, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am-5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pm
A genealogical and historical collection is maintained in the "Pennsylvania Room". A complete set of the Pennsylvania Archives is part of the collection. The library also maintains a fairly complete microfilm set of the U.S. Census in its Reference Section. Although the library does not accumulate and maintain family surname files, it has acquired a number of published family histories. Also, the library does possess many county history books along with books pertaining to immigrant and naturalization records, DAR and SAR publications, church and cemetery records and historical events of this region.
526 Main Street, Bellwood, PA 16617
Phone: (814-742-8234)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 12:00noon-8:30pm, Friday 12:00noon-4:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm
The Bellwood-Antis Public Library has a section devoted to local history and genealogy which consists primarily of family files donated by patrons. It also contains published and unpublished books on family histories along with local and county histories. Name indexes for local cemeteries and newspaper clippings are part of the collection. The library also maintains copies of the local newspaper, Bellwood Bulletin from the 1890s through the 1940s. The library does not own any series of the Pennsylvania Archives, nor does it maintain census records.
3500 Baker Blvd., Altoona, PA 16602-1828
Phone: (814-942-3916)
Hours: Saturday-Sunday (After Memorial Day, Tuesday-Sunday) 1:00pm-4:30pm,
The Blair County Historical Society maintains the Baker Mansion, a Greek Revival structure built ca 1844 by ironmaster, Elias Baker; the Royer Mansion, built in 1815 by ironmaster Samuel Royer; along with a number of other historic sites throughout the county. In addition, a research library is located in the Baker Mansion.
The Blair County Historical Society’s library contains family files and published and unpublished family histories donated by members. Cemetery and church records for the region also make up a portion of the library’s collection. Original marriage records were donated to the Blair County Historical Society by the Blair County Commissioners along with the Deed Books and Deed Book Indexes (which the Blair County Historical Society, in turn, has provided on extended loan to the Blair County Genealogical Society). The library also maintains original and microfilmed newspapers and city directories from the Blair County region. The Blair County Historical Society maintains a large collection of books and files devoted to the history of the Civil War, including a complete set of Samuel P. Bate’s History Of Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-1865, Volumes I, II, III, IV , published in 1869.
The Blair County Historical Society hosts a number of community events which include an annual Civil War Reenactors’ Encampment on the grounds of the Baker Mansion, the Holiday Heritage Tour at Christmas and the All-Hallows Eve Tour at Halloween. The society holds teas at the Baker Mansion and concerts on the lawn during the summer months. The society also sponsors a lecture series every year, which is conducted at the Altoona Area Public Library.
431 Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814-696-3492)
Hours: Monday 6:30pm-9:30pm; Wednesday 10:00am-3:30pm and 6:30pm-9:30pm; Thursday 10:00am-3:30pm; Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm; last Sunday of the month 1:00pm-3:30pm. The library is closed during the month of December.
Library Usage Fee: none
The Blair County Genealogical Society recently obtained the acknowledgment and recognition of the Blair County Commissioners as being the official genealogical society of Blair County. With that acknowledgment, the Blair County Genealogical Society has become the recipient of Blair County Court House records which otherwise might have been discarded by the court system.
The Blair County Genealogical Society maintains a research library at 431 Scotch Valley Road at the eastern edge of the borough of Hollidaysburg. The construction of the Blair County Genealogical Society’s new library, the Roller Hojeth Memorial Library, was funded by a bequest from Robert Roller (1924-1987). The library is one of the finest in the region of Old~Bedford in terms of facilities and resources.
Besides many published and unpublished family histories, the library maintains many file cabinets full of donated family surname files. Other items of interest are microfilm of every U.S. Census for every county within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and many volumes of published history books for counties throughout Pensylvania. The library has become the owner of a number of genealogical research collections: the Rex Sollenberger Collection and the Archie Claar Obituaries, Spielman Obituaries, BCGS Obituaries and the Hoenstine Obituaries. The entire collection of the Hoenstine Rental Library was recently acquired by the Blair County Genealogical Society.
The Blair County Commissioners have donated the following original Blair County court dockets to the Blair County Historical Society and the Blair County Genealogical Society, all of which are being maintained at the Roller Hojeth Memorial Library:
Adsectum Partition Index 1846, A-K
Adsectum Judgement Index, starting 1930, A-K
Adsectum Judgement Index, starting 1930, L-Z
Court Docket, 1926-1928
Deed Books A-Z (except J); 1-470
General Index To Deeds, Grantors, C-D-E
Hotel License Docket, Book A, 1888-1903
Hotel License Docket, Book B, 1904-1910
Judgement Docket Index, Book G
Judgement Docket Index, starting 1900, Book H
Judgement Docket Index, Book K
Judgement Docket Index, Book X-Y-Z
Juvenile Court Records, #1 1913-1932
Juvenile Court Records, #2 1932-1945
Liquor License Docket, Book C, 1918-1923
Locality Index - City Of Altoona (Tax & Municipal Leins), Book A-H
Locality Index - City Of Altoona (Tax & Municipal Leins), Book I-S
Locality Index - City Of Altoona (Tax & Municipal Leins), Book T-Z
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book A-C
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book D-F
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book G-J
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book K-M
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book N-R
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book S-V
Mortgage Index To Chattel Mortgages, Book W-Z
Secured Party Index To Secured Transactions, Book A-Z, starting 1954
Tax Assessment Books for all townships, 1846-1974 (except a few missing)
In addition, the following are available on microfilm (and, where noted, on 35mm apperture cards):
Birth Records, Delayed, Blair County, Files #1-2763
Birth Records, Register of Births #1-3
Birth Records, Register of Births Index
Census (U.S.) 1790-1920 for all counties within Pennsylvania
Census 1880 Mortality Schedule for all counties within Pennsylvania
Census 1890 Veterans, Widows & Dependents Schedule
Death Records, Register of Deaths #1-2
Estate Records, Deed Books #A-Z, 1-317
(On 35mm apperture cards - Deed Book #A - 714)
Estate Records, Deeds, Plot Index 1846
Estate Records, Deeds, Grantee Index 1919-1941, 1942-1955
(On 35mm apperture cards - 1846-1919)
Estate Records, Deeds, Grantor Index 1942-1955
(On 35mm apperture cards - 1846-1919)
Estate Records, Inheritance Tax Docket Book #1, Book #2
(On 35mm apperture cards - Book #1 - Book #6)
Estate Records, Orphans Court Dockets 1846-1885
Estate Records, Orphans Court Estate Indexes
Estate Records, Orphans Court Proceedings Index
Marriage License Dockets 1-39, 1885-1916
Marriage License Index
(Altoona) Evening Mirror 1874-1878
Altoona Mirror 1888-2000
Altoona Times 1884-1919
Altoona Tribune 1858-1957
Bedford County Press (Bedford Co) 1868-1875, 1892-1896, 1971-1984
Bedford Democratic Enquirer (Bedford Co) 1827-1833
Bedford Gazette (Bedford Co) 1832-1847
Bedford Inquirer (Bedford Co) 1902-1918
Cambria Freeman (Cambria Co) 1827-1912
(Carlisle) Volunteer (Cumberland Co) 1869-1873
Cove Echo (Martinsburg) 1872-1874
Crawford Journal (Crawford Co) 1915-1917
Everett Press (Bedford Co) 1882-1901
Everett Press & Bedford County Press (Bedford Co) 1957-1983
The Morrisons Cove Herald 1885-1998
Hollidaysburg Democratic Standard (Huntingdon Co) 1889-1912
Huntingdon Gazette (Huntingdon Co) 1806-1835
Huntingdon Globe (Huntingdon Co) 1899-1912
Huntingdon Journal (Huntingdon Co) 1838-1887
Huntingdon Monitor (Huntingdon Co) 1884-1899
(Kittanning) Democrat Sentinel (Armstrong Co) 1902-1905
Mifflinburg Telegraph (Union Co) 1895-1901
Mount Union Times (Huntingdon Co) 1889-1913
New Castle Democrat (Lawrence Co) 1917-1921
The (Philadelphia) Times (Philadelphia City) 1902
State College Mirror 1968-1977
(Stroudsburg) Daily Times (Monroe Co) 1908
Sullivan Republican (Sullivan Co) 1889-1894
Tyrone Herald 1871-1934, 1950
Tyrone Star Herald 1858-1871
West Chester Everett Press (Bedford Co) 1902, 1910,1912
Bedford & Church St., Box C, Claysburg, PA 16625
Phone: (814-239-2782)
Hours: Monday & Thursday 9:00am-7:00pm, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00am-5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm
The Claysburg Area Public Library maintains a small, but growing collection of books and files devoted to genealogical and local historical research.
516 Walnut Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814-696-0313)
Historic Hollidaysburg Inc., is primarily activites oriented. It does not maintain a research library, but rather sponsors community events and projects related to promoting the historic heritage of the Blair County’s county seat. The group was instrumental in obtaining the historic district status for the downtown portion of the borough of Hollidaysburg. It is currently involved with the Canal Basin Park project.
405 Clark Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814-695-5961)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00am-8:00pm, Friday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm. Closed Sunday
Although the Hollidaysburg Area Public Library does not have a genealogical section per se, nor does it maintain microfilm files, it does maintain a complete collection of the published Pennsylvania Archives.
Lower Brush Mountain Road, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: (814-696-0341)
Hours: Monday 9:00am-1:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
The LDS Family Research Center of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) provides a very valuable service to the Blair County region. The Research Center maintains a collection of published family histories, but more importantly, it provides access to the extensive collection of files on computer disc, microfilm and microfiche which are maintained by the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah. For a modest rental fee you can borrow any of the records available for a period of a month.
201 South Walnut Street, Martinsburg, PA 16662
Phone: (814-793-3335)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 1:00p -8:00pm, Friday-Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm
The library possesses a genealogical and historical collection which includes the Liebegott Collection of genealogical notes on families from the "Cove". It also contains a variety of published county histories and family histories. Cemetery records for the Morrisons Cove region are collected by the library. The library maintains microfilm copies of the U.S. Census returns for Blair and Bedford Counties for most of the years available, along with some returns for Huntingdon County.
966 Johnstown Road, East Freedom, PA 16637
Hours: The Old~Greenfield Township Historical Society is no longer active. It exists only in the form of a website of information. The Old~Greenfield Township Historical Society's meeting room/library that was located in the Roaring Spring Community Library is still available for research. The O~GTHS library is open and available for use during the Roaring Spring Community Library's normal hours of operation.
Library usage fee: none
The Old~Greenfield Township Historical Society maintained subject files for a wide range of items donated to the society pertaining to the region encompassed by Old~Greenfield (Freedom, Greenfield and Juniata Townships in Blair County and Kimmel and Pavia Townships in Bedford County). Surname files donated by members of the society were available also. The society owned a set of newspaper obituary records donated to it by the Blair County Genealogical Society. The society possessed microfilm copies of the U.S. Census for Bedford and Blair Counties for the years 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880, the 1890 Veterans and Widows Schedule, and the U.S. Census for Blair County for the years 1900, 1910 and 1920.
500 Main St., Roaring Spring, PA 16673
Phone: (814-224-4814)
The Roaring Spring Historical Society is primarily interested in preserving the history of the borough of Roaring Spring. It maintains a research library of collected books and family files in the restored Roaring Spring Railroad Station.
320 East Main Street, Roaring Spring, PA 16673
Phone: (814-224-2994)
Hours: Monday,Wednesday, Thursday 3:00pm-8:00pm (7:00pm summers), Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm
The library maintains its own collection of genealogical and historical books primarily devoted to the history of the Morrisons Cove and surrounding areas. The genealogical collection of the library includes nearly all of the publications of the Blair County Genealogical Society. The library also provides it patrons with access to computers on which the Family Tree genealogical software is loaded, along with cd-roms containing genealogical data. The Old-Greenfield Historical Society maintains its genealogical and historical collection on the site.
P.O. Box 1850, Tyrone Shopping Center, Tyrone, PA 16686
Phone: (814-684-5141)
Hours: Wednesday 1:00pm-4:00pm
The Tyrone Area Historical Society is primarily interested in the history of the region of the borough of Tyrone and Snyder Township and collects genealogical items that pertain primarily to that area. The Society maintains a collection of books devoted to the area, including cemetery lists, along with some Blair County and Huntingdon County history books.
In addition to the research library, the Tyrone Area Historical Society collects and displays artifacts related to Tyrone’s history.
Williamsburg High School, Williamsburg, PA 16693
Phone: (814-832-2125)
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
The Williamsburg Heritage and Historical Society maintains family files along with published and unpublished family histories which are donated to the society. It also maintains files of newspaper clippings relating to the history of Williamsburg and Woodbury Township. The society is museum oriented in that it collects artifacts, including local business ledgers, and displays them at the society’s room in the Williamsburg High School.
615 N. Center Street, Ebensburg, PA 15931-1122
Phone: (814-472-6674)
Library usage fee: none
Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-4:30pm, Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
The Cambria County Historical Society maintains a library and museum in the building at 615 North Center Street in Ebensburg, Cambria County.
The library contains many families files donated by members along with published and unpublished family histories. The society possesses U.S. Census records and indexes for the census taken in 1800 through 1920. As with most historical society libraries, a collection of published and unpublished books on church records and cemeteries in the county are accumulated by the Cambria County Historical Society. Also part of the library’s holdings include a number of map and atlas books from Cambria County and surrounding counties, including the 1890 Cambria County Atlas. The library owns all of the published Pennsylvania Archives except for the 1st Series. A recent addition to the library’s collection is photo files comprised of donations of family photographs and photographs pertaining to the region. The Cambria County Historical Society also keeps its own newsletters on file along with newsletters from other historical societies. City directories for Johnstown are available for the years 1853, 1876, 1896, 1915-1916, 1933, 1937, 1940, 1949, 1963, 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1980. A county-wide directory for Cambria County is available for the year 1896.
Of special interest are books on the subjects of indians/archaeology, local history, industry, wars Cambria County residents participated in, and Admiral Peary (who was from this region). A complete set of Samuel P. Bates’ History Of Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-1865, Volumes I, II, III, IV , published in 1869 is among the library’s collection pertaining to veterans affairs and war history.
Originals of the following newspapers from the region are maintained in the library’s collection:
Alleghenian 1859-1869
Cambria Freeman 1866-1903
Cambria Herald 1895-1897
Cambria Tribune 1898-1908
Democrat Sentinel 1853-1865
Ebensburg Sky 1831-1837
Hastings Tribune 1894-1896
Johnstown Democrat 1929-1949
Johnstown Tribune 1929-1949
Johnstown Tribune Democrat 1954-1965
Mainliner Dispatch 1955-1972
Mountain Sentinel 1849-1853
Mountaineer 1858-1860
Mountaineer Herald 1891-1997 (except 1936-1940)
Nanty Glo Journal 1951-1976
News Leader 1988-1998
Portage Dispatch 1954-1964
Union Press Courier 1955-1998
In addition, the Cambria County Historical Society library maintains a collection of microfilm of the following:Census (U.S.) for Cambria County 1800-1920 Newspapers:
Allegheny Mountain Echo (Johnstown) 1855-1859
Cambria Freeman 1861-1887, 1889-1897
Cambria Tribune 1853-1861, 1897-1908
Democrat Sentinel 1856-1861
Ebensburg Mountaineer Herald 1891-1916, 1918-1977
Ebensburg Sky 1831-1837
Johnstown Daily Democrat 1894-1935
Johnstown Democrat & Cambria & Somerset Advertiser 1835
Johnstown Weekly Tribune 1868-1869, 1882-1915
Mainliner Dispatch 1971
Mountain Echo (Johnstown) 1851-1857
Mountain Sentinel 1849-1856
Mountaineer 1858-1860
Nanty Glo Journal 1951-1976
Portage Dispatch 1954-1964
The Times (Altoona) 1889
P.O. Box 5048, Johnstown, PA 15904-6048
Phone: (814-539-6411)
The Windber-Johnstown Area Genealogical Society at one time maintained a collection of family and county histories at the Hiram G. Andrews Library on the campus of the Cambria County Community College and held monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month in the Seminar Theater at 727 Goucher Street, Johnstown. The society, which uses the initials "WJAGS" (i.e. Windber-Johnstown Area Genealogical Society) currently has a website which gives the name ofthe organization as the Johnstown Area Genealogical and Historical Society. The society’s collection of research materials includes published and unpublished books devoted to local cemeteries and church records and microfilm of the U.S. Census for the immediate region.
248 Main St., Johnstown, PA 15901-1677
Phone: (814-536-5131)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm, Friday-Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm
Although the Cambria County Library does not specialize in genealogical research, it does maintain microfilm for the following newspapers:
Alleghenian 1859-1869
Cambria Freeman 1867-1899
Cambria Tribune 1853-1864, 1898-1900
Democrat Sentinel 1853-1857
Ebensburg Sky 1831-1837
Johnstown Democrat 1863-1867
Johnstown Tribune 1864-1952
Johnstown Tribune Democrat 1952-present
Mountain Sentinel 1849-1853
Mountaineer 1858-1860, 1859-1866
Somerset Herald 1828-1831, 1845-1847
Somerset Herald: Farmer’s And Mechanic’s 1872-1900
609 Walters Ave., Johnstown, PA
Phone: (814-269-4652)
Hours: Monday 9:00am-4:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm, Wednesday 5:00pm-8:00pm, Thursday, Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm, Closed during December
The LDS Family Research Center of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) provides a very valuable service to the Cambria County region. The Research Center maintains a collection of published family histories, but more importantly, it provides access to the extensive collection of files on computer disc, microfilm and microfiche which are maintained by the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah. For a modest rental fee you can borrow any of the records available for a period of a month.
400 Lee Street, Portage, PA (P.O. Box 45, Portage, PA 15946)
Phone: (814-736-9223)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12:00am-4:00pm, Closed January 1 to April 1
The Portage Area Historical Society manages the Portage Station Museum, in addition to preserving the history of the Borough of Portage.
Box 115, McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: (717-485-3134)
Hours: Thursdays, year-round 1:00-4:00pm, 7:00-9:00pm
The Fulton County Historical Society is primarily research oriented, but it does maintain a few rooms as a museum for display of Fulton County artifacts. The society collects and maintains family files donated by patrons and members of the society. It also maintains published and unpublished family histories, county histories and item such as cemetery lists and church records. The society collects microfilm copies of newspapers from the region along with U.S. Census returns for Fulton County and some surrounding counties. The society also maintains a complete set of the published Pennsylvania Archives.
227 N. First St., McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: (717-485-5327)
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am-6:00pm, Tuesday 9:00am-9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm
The Fulton County Public Library maintains a section on genealogical and historical subjects pertaining to the region. The collection includes Fulton County history books along with books for the surrounding counties. The library also maintains family records including published and unpublished family histories.
PO Box 305, Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: (814-643-5449)
Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00am-12:00noon and 1:00pm-4:00pm. The library is closed during the winter months.
Library Usage Fee: $3.00
The Huntingdon County Historical Society maintains a library and museum in the same building at 106 4th Street in the borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County. The building is known as the McMurtrie House. The Huntingdon County Historical Society maintains the McMurtrie House Museum along with the 1823 Shaver’s Creek Presbyterian Church property and the J.C. Blair Company Museum.
The Huntingdon County Historical Society’s resources include many published and unpublished family histories and biographical encyclopedias along with surname files and a 45,000 card index of deaths and marriages from local newspapers. The society maintains many published regional, county, and community histories. The society possesses the complete published Pennsylvania Archives. Included in the library’s holdings are obituaries (late 19th and 20th centuries) with a comprehensive index. An extensive index to Civil War sources, many Bible, church and cemetery records, originals and transcriptions of tax assessment records from 1788 to 1899 are important parts of the library’s collection. Thelibrary also maintains copies of the genealogical newsletter, "Your Family Tree," with a Huntingdon County index. Census indexes for 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870 can be accessed at the library. Also, records of naturalizations for 1798-1832, estate inventories 1788-1918, and some early divorces are maintained by the library.
In addition, the library possesses microfilm for Huntingdon County in the U.S. Census for the years: 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920; and the 1890 Census of Civil War Veterans and Widows
PO Box 382, Orbisonia, PA 17243
Reality Theatre, Robertsdale, PA 16674
Phone: (814-635-4120)
Hours: Friday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 12:00noon-5:00pm
10649 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814-445-6077)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 12:00noon-5:00pm
Library Usage Fee: $3.50
h3>Resources The Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County is located outside of the borough of Somerset, Somerset County and includes a museum / library structure adjoining the Somerset Historical Center, a recreated historic village park administered by the Pennsylvania Historical And Museum Commission.
The library maintains a large number of family files which consist of information contributed by researchers, along with published and unpublished family histories. In manuscript form there are also birth and baptismal records, cemetery records, census returns indexes, church histories, county histories, Somerset County Estate Records index, immigration and naturalization records, land records, maps and platt books, military and veterans records, newspapers, obituaries, and the 1798 Direct Tax returns in addition to miscellaneous accumulated records.
In addition, the following items can be found on microfilm:
Auditors Reports for 1839-1907
Birth Records for 1852-1854 and 1893-1908 and 1914-1985
Birth Records Index for 1894-1908
Cemetery Records & Index
Census Records (U.S.) 1790-1920
Census (Agricultural) 1850-1880
Census (Manufacturers) 1850-1860
Census (counties other than Somerset)
Census (Social Statistics)
Church Histories
Church Records
Death Records for 1853-1854 and 1893-1908
Death Records Index
Deeds (Index to deeds by grantee)
Deeds (Index to deeds by grantor)
Deeds (Records of deeds - Somerset County Court House)
Deeds (Sheriffs deeds and Index to Sheriffs deeds)
Deeds (Mortgagee Index)
Deeds (Mortgagor Index
Deeds (Mortgagee and Mortgagor Records)
Estate Records (Orphans Court Index 1795-1921)
Estate Records (Index of wills 1795-1922
Estate Records (Record of wills 1795-1902)
Estate Records (Orphans Court Docket 1795-1904)
Estate Records (Record of executors administration accounts 1850-1943)
Family Genealogies for Somerset County families
Immigration Records (Ships passenger lists)
Marriage Records (1795-1802 and 1852-1853 and 1885-1968)
Marriage Records Index (1885-1968)
Marriage Register
Medical Records (Register 1889-1931)
Medical Records (Veterinary Register 1881-1934)
Medical Records (Minutes of the Somerset County Medical Association)
Military Records (Military Discharge Records 1862-1865)
Military Records (Military Discharge Index 1865-1868)
Naturalization Records for Somerset County
Newspapers (various for Somerset and Cambria Counties)
Oyer & Terminer Docket (Records 1855-1899)
Oyer & Terminer Docket (Index 1865-1968)
Partition Docket (1889-1937)
Road & Bridge Reports / Dockets (Dockets 1806-1977)
Road & Bridge Reports / Dockets (Index)
Quarter Sessions (Docket 1800-1902)
Quarter Sessions (Index 1795-1920)
Quarter Sessions (Criminal Court Minutes 1795-1809)
Surveys And Warrants (Somerset County 1700s-1800s)
Surveys And Warrants (Index)
Tax Records (1798 Direct Tax)
Tax Records (Tax assessment returns 1796-1879)
Veterans Records (Revolutionary War)
Veterans Records (Civil War and Widows Records 1890)
100-104 South Main Street, Davidsville, PA 15928
Mailing Address: PO Box 307, Davidsville, PA 15928
Hours: Thursday 9:00am-12:00noon
Phone: (814-479-2067)
Website: The website is no longer maintained
The Conemaugh Township Historical Society collects family genealogies, obituaries and various books on local and county history. The collection also includes cemetery records and church records for the Conemaugh Township and surrounding areas.
400 Vine Street, Berlin, PA (P.O.Box 35, Berlin, PA 15530)
Hours: Monday 1:00pm-4:00pm, Wednesday, Saturday 9:00am-12:00noon
Phone: (814-267-5987)
The Berlin Historical Society maintains the Heritage Haus, a log structure dating from the 1790s. The Heritage Haus museum provides an outlet for the display of artifacts from the region.
The Berlin Historical Society’s library is housed in a new structure built in 1992-93. The library maintains family files, church records, birth and baptismal records and obituaries. The society’s collection of books include published and unpublished family histories and various county histories. The library maintains a complete set of the Berlin Record newspaper.
610 W. Main St., Rockwood, PA 15557
Phone: (814-926-1500)
Hours: Tuesday & Friday 12:00noon-3:00pm
The Rockwood Area Historical & Genealogical Society is devoted to the study of the history of Black, Middlecreek, Milford and Upper Turkeyfoot Townships in Somerset County and Casselman, New Centerville, Rockwood and Seven Springs Boroughs.
PO. Box 98, Meyersdale, PA 15552
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00am-8:00pm, Wednesday, Friday 1:00pm-6:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
Phone: (814-634-0512)
The library maintains a genealogy room in which a collection of genealogical and historical research items are kept. In addition to the family files and published and unpublished family histories, the collection contains the First through Seventh Series of the Pennsylvania Archives. County and town histories are also maintained by the library. Copies of the newspapers, Casselman Chronicles, Laurel Messenger and other periodicals are collected. The library maintains obituary files from 1971 to the present time. Church and cemetery records are part of the collection. The library also maintains photo and archive collections including the Frances Livengood Imler collection. The library also possesses the Cockley Collection of genealogical records
In addition to the books and other files, the library maintains the following on microfilm:
U.S. Census Records for Somerset County 1800-1880, 1900-1920
Civil War Veterans And Widows Schedules 1890
U.S. Census Records for Allegheny County, Maryland 1850, 1860
U.S. Census Records for Garrett, Frederick and Dorchester Counties, Maryland 1880
Reformed and Lutheran Church Records (for several townships)
Brethren Church Records (for Summit Township and Berlin)
Marriage Records 1855-1880
DAR Ohio Records
Family Bible Records
Tax Assessment Returns 1795-1854
Wills 1797-1895
Orphans Court Dockets 1793-1846
Survey Warrants A-Z
Meyersdale Commercial 1888-1912
Somerset Herald 1828-1845
Somerset County Star (Salisbury) 1899, 1909-1929
Meyersdale Republican 1991-present
The New Republic (Meyersdale) 1991-present
PO Box 134, Meyersdale, PA 15552
PO Box 82, Addison, PA 15411
Phone: (814-395-3743) (814-395-3469)
9102 Mason Dixon Highway, Salisbury, PA 15558
Hours: Meetings held third Tuesday of the month.
Phone: (814-634-0512)
PO Box 142, Springs Road, Springs, PA 15562
Hours: May thru October, Wednesday to Friday 1:00-5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm
Phone: (814-662-2625) (814-662-2327)
PO Box 227, Stoystown, PA 15563
RD#1, Box 22, Friedens, PA 15541
600 Logan Place, Confluence, PA 15424
417 Main Street, P.O. Box 39, Boswell, PA 15531
RD#1, Box 250, Cairnbrook, PA 15924