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That is the correct answer.
Battle of Fort Slongo, New York on 03 October 1781. It was a Patriot victory.
Siege of Negapatam in India between 21 October and 11 November 1781. It resulted in a British victory.
Battle of Johnstown, New York on 25 October 1781. It was a Patriot victory.
Siege of Gibralter on 27 November 1781. It was a British victory.
Second Battle of Ushant in the Bay of Biscay on 12 December 1781. It was a British victory.
Battle of Videau's Bridge, South Carolina on 02 January 1782 resulting in a British victory.
Siege of Brimstone Hill at St. Christopher between 11 January and 13 February 1782. It was a combination Patriot / French victory.
Capture of Trincomalee, Ceylon on 11 January 1782. It was a British victory.
Capture of Demerara and Essequibo, in Dutch Guiana between 22 January and 05 February 1782. It was a combination Patriot / French victory.
Battle of Saint Kitts, off Bassaterre in the West Indies on 25-26 January 1782. It was a British victory.
Battle of Sadras, India on 17 February 1782. It was a French victory.
Capture of the island of Montserrat in the West Indies on 22 February 1782. It was a French victory.
Battle of Wambaw, South Carolina on 24 February 1782. It resulted in a British victory.
Gnadenhütten Massacre (of Lenape and Wyandot) at Gnadenhütten, Ohio on 08 March 1782.
Battle of Roatán, Guatemala on 16 March 1782. It was a combination Patriot / Spanish victory.
Naval Battle between the HMS Success and the Santa Catalina off the Strait of Gibralter on 16 March 1782. It was a British victory.
Battle of Little Mountain, Virginia (present-day Montgomery County, Kentucky) on 22 March 1782. It was a combination British / Iroquois victory.
Battle of Delaware Bay, New Jersey on 08 April 1782. It was a Patriot victory.
Battle of the Saintes, off Dominica, West Indies between 09 and 12 April 1782, It was a British victory.
Battle of Providien, Ceylon on 12 April 1782. It was a French victory.
Battle of the Black River, Guatemala between April and August, 1782. It resulted in a British victory.
Battle of the Mona Passage, the strait between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, on 19 April 1782. It was a British victory.
Action in the Bay of Biscay on 20 - 21 April 1782. It was a British victory.
Capture of the Bahamas on 06 May 1782. It was a combination Patriot / Spanish victory.
Crawford expedition along the Sandusky River in the Ohio Country between 25 May and 12 June 1782. It was a combination British / Iroquois victory.
Naval battle off Halifax, Nova Scotia on 28 - 29 May 1782. It was a British victory.
Raid on Lunenburg, Nova Scotia on 01 July 1782. It was a Patriot victory.
Battle of Negapatam, Ceylon on 06 July 1782. It was a British victory.
Hudson Bay Expedition against Fort Prince of Wales and York Factory in Prince Rupert's Land on 08 August 1782. It resulted in a combination Patriot / French victory.
Siege of Bryan Station, Virginia (present-day Lexington, Kentucky) from 15 to 17 August 1782. It was a Patriot victory.
Battle of Blue Licks, Virginia (present-day Robertson County, Kentucky) on 19 August 1782. It was a combination British / Iroquois victory.
Battle of the Combahee River, near Beaufort, South Carolina on 26 August 1782. It was a British victory.
Battle of Trincomalee, Ceylon between 25 August 25 and 03 September 1782. It resulted in a French victory.
Siege of Fort Henry, Virginia between 11 and 13 September 1782. It was a Patriot victory.
Grand Assault on Gibraltar on 13 September 1782. It was a British victory.
Naval Battle off Hispaniola on 18 October 1782. It was a British victory.
Naval Battle off Martinique on 06 December 1782. It was a British victory.
Naval Battle off the Virginia Capes on 22 January 1783. It was a British victory.
Siege of Cuddalore, India from 07 June to 25 July 1783. (Shown below) The siege ended when news of the Treaty of Paris was received.

"The East India Company’s European Regiment at the Battle of Cuddalore" by Richard Simkin
Brown University, Providence, RI
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