Of Bedford County During The American Revolutionary War
This collection of pages include transcripts of various documents found in a variety of sources. They pertain / refer to Bedford County, Pennsylvania during the period of the American Revolutionary War. Not all of them are concerned directly with the war or the issues occasioned by the war; a large number of them are related to the collection of taxes. Inclusion in this page was dependent on being dated to the period of the American Revolutionary War and making reference to Bedford County.
The visitor will notice that the entries contain headings which include an abbreviation for the source, followed by the title of the reference, the date it was issued/recorded, followed by the actual text of the documents.
The source abbreviations are devised as follows: There are three sections, divided by a slash (/). The first section refers to the series (e.g. A4 refers to the American Archives, Series 4; JC refers to the Journals of the Continental Congress; CR refers to the Colonial Records; 1 refers to the Pennsylvania Archives - First Series; 2 refers to the Pennsylvania Archives - Second Series, etc. ). The second section refers to the volume and is given in Roman Numerals (e.g. I refers to the first volume, II refers to the second volume, etc). The third section refers to the page(s).
An attempt was made to provide verbatim transcriptions directly from the original source, but in some cases those original sources were unobtainable by the author. In the latter cases, a transcription was made from the most readily available (and hopefully accurate) source.
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