Antique Watermarks

Source:   De Festis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, published in 1745
(Second example)

This is an example of a wire watermark. It is in the form of three letters: "V", "T" and "I" within a slightly stylized box outline. Note that the "V" and the "T" are displayed as capital letters, while the "I" is shown in lower case.

Additional Book Information
Prosperi Card. Lambertini Postea Benedicti XIV. P.M. Commentarii Duo De D.N. Jesu Christi Matrisque Etus Festis, Et De Missae Sacrificio. Retractati atque aucti. Ex Italico in Latinum Sermonum Vertit. Michael Angelus De Giacomellis. Ex Intimis Auctoris Capellanis. (Published at) Patavii: Typis Seminarli, 1745. Apud Joannem Manfre. Superiorum Permissu ac Privilegio. 1745