A Prayer

   Variously titled: Common Prayer For The Times, the author of this song is unknown. It is believed to have been published in 1776.

Since we are taught in Scripture word To pray for friends and foes;
Then let us pray for George the Third, Who must be one of those.
Heaven bless America, and Britain, May folly past suffice,
Wherein they have each other smitten, Who ought to harmonize.
Allied by blood, and interest too, Soon let them re-unite,
May Heaven tyrannic minds subdue, Haste, haste the pleasing sight.
May ev'ry morn and ev'ning prayer Repeat this just petition,
What thinking Christian can forbear, Appris'd of our condition.
Britannia's sins are our worst foes, Let this be Britain's creed,
For those who God and man oppose, Must rebels be indeed.
This rebel-host how num'rous grown! This growth kind Heaven forbid!
'Tis fear'd some are too near the throne, And seem securely bid.
Just Heaven, to light all rebels bring, Who hate or love the steeple.
Rebels to God, and to the king, And rebels to the people.