On this page there are certain entries which give a genealogical researching tip e.g. "Remember something your grandfather told you about his father". Other entries include relationship strings denoting ancestors according to their relationship to you e.g. "Father's Mother". If you place your cursor overtop the relationship string, it should highlight in blue and become underlined, signifying that it is an active link. Click on the link and you will access a linked page on which you may enter data regarding that particular ancestor. By clicking on your browser's 'back' button, you will be returned to this page, and the relationship string will be changed to green. |
June 1
Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Father |
June 2
Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother's Mother |
June 3
Join a genealogical society in your neighborhood to share your information with others. |
June 4
Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Father's Father |
June 5
Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Father's Mother |
June 6
Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Mother's Father |
June 7
Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother |
June 8
Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Father |
June 9
On a map of your county, or town, mark the locations of each of your relative's houses. On a larger scale, map out the locations of the properties owned by as many of your ancestors as possible. You might then think about showing, graphically, the routes of migration of your ancestors from one country to another and within a single country. |
June 10
Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Father's Mother |
June 11
Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Father |
June 12
Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Mother's Mother |
June 13
Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Father |
June 14
Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Father's Mother |
June 15
Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Father |
June 16
Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother |
June 17
June 18
Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father |
June 19
Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother |
June 20
Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Father |
June 21
Father's Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother |
June 22
Place a wreath on the gravesite of an ancestor who fought in the American Revolutionary War. If you're not sure if any of your ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War, check with a local SAR or DAR chapter. Note: men who died between the 1780s and 1840s might have served in the War. |
June 23
Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Father's Father |
June 24
Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Father's Mother |
June 25
Compile a list of familiar words or phrases that your relatives use. An example might be the use of youns or y'all as compared to you. Certain words or phrases might be ethnic colloquialisms or examples of regional dialect. No matter what their origin may be, the words you and your family use are as much a part of your genealogical makeup and anything else, and should be cherished. |
June 26
Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Father |
June 27
Father's Father's Father's Father's Mother's Mother's Mother |
June 28
Ask your grandparents to tell you what their favorite smells were when they were young. Try to imagine what those smells were like just from their descripions. |
June 29
Father's Father's Father's Mother's Father's Father's Father |
June 30
Father's Father's Father's Mother's Father's Father's Mother |