10649 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814-445-6077)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 12:00noon-5:00pm
Library Usage Fee: $3.50
Website: http://www.somersethistoricalcenter.org/
h3>Resources The Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County is located outside of the borough of Somerset, Somerset County and includes a museum / library structure adjoining the Somerset Historical Center, a recreated historic village park administered by the Pennsylvania Historical And Museum Commission.
The library maintains a large number of family files which consist of information contributed by researchers, along with published and unpublished family histories. In manuscript form there are also birth and baptismal records, cemetery records, census returns indexes, church histories, county histories, Somerset County Estate Records index, immigration and naturalization records, land records, maps and platt books, military and veterans records, newspapers, obituaries, and the 1798 Direct Tax returns in addition to miscellaneous accumulated records.
In addition, the following items can be found on microfilm:
Auditors Reports for 1839-1907
Birth Records for 1852-1854 and 1893-1908 and 1914-1985
Birth Records Index for 1894-1908
Cemetery Records & Index
Census Records (U.S.) 1790-1920
Census (Agricultural) 1850-1880
Census (Manufacturers) 1850-1860
Census (counties other than Somerset)
Census (Social Statistics)
Church Histories
Church Records
Death Records for 1853-1854 and 1893-1908
Death Records Index
Deeds (Index to deeds by grantee)
Deeds (Index to deeds by grantor)
Deeds (Records of deeds - Somerset County Court House)
Deeds (Sheriffs deeds and Index to Sheriffs deeds)
Deeds (Mortgagee Index)
Deeds (Mortgagor Index
Deeds (Mortgagee and Mortgagor Records)
Estate Records (Orphans Court Index 1795-1921)
Estate Records (Index of wills 1795-1922
Estate Records (Record of wills 1795-1902)
Estate Records (Orphans Court Docket 1795-1904)
Estate Records (Record of executors administration accounts 1850-1943)
Family Genealogies for Somerset County families
Immigration Records (Ships passenger lists)
Marriage Records (1795-1802 and 1852-1853 and 1885-1968)
Marriage Records Index (1885-1968)
Marriage Register
Medical Records (Register 1889-1931)
Medical Records (Veterinary Register 1881-1934)
Medical Records (Minutes of the Somerset County Medical Association)
Military Records (Military Discharge Records 1862-1865)
Military Records (Military Discharge Index 1865-1868)
Naturalization Records for Somerset County
Newspapers (various for Somerset and Cambria Counties)
Oyer & Terminer Docket (Records 1855-1899)
Oyer & Terminer Docket (Index 1865-1968)
Partition Docket (1889-1937)
Road & Bridge Reports / Dockets (Dockets 1806-1977)
Road & Bridge Reports / Dockets (Index)
Quarter Sessions (Docket 1800-1902)
Quarter Sessions (Index 1795-1920)
Quarter Sessions (Criminal Court Minutes 1795-1809)
Surveys And Warrants (Somerset County 1700s-1800s)
Surveys And Warrants (Index)
Tax Records (1798 Direct Tax)
Tax Records (Tax assessment returns 1796-1879)
Veterans Records (Revolutionary War)
Veterans Records (Civil War and Widows Records 1890)
100-104 South Main Street, Davidsville, PA 15928
Mailing Address: PO Box 307, Davidsville, PA 15928
Hours: Thursday 9:00am-12:00noon
Phone: (814-479-2067)
Website: The website is no longer maintained
The Conemaugh Township Historical Society collects family genealogies, obituaries and various books on local and county history. The collection also includes cemetery records and church records for the Conemaugh Township and surrounding areas.
400 Vine Street, Berlin, PA (P.O.Box 35, Berlin, PA 15530)
Hours: Monday 1:00pm-4:00pm, Wednesday, Saturday 9:00am-12:00noon
Phone: (814-267-5987)
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/berlinpa/
The Berlin Historical Society maintains the Heritage Haus, a log structure dating from the 1790s. The Heritage Haus museum provides an outlet for the display of artifacts from the region.
The Berlin Historical Society’s library is housed in a new structure built in 1992-93. The library maintains family files, church records, birth and baptismal records and obituaries. The society’s collection of books include published and unpublished family histories and various county histories. The library maintains a complete set of the Berlin Record newspaper.
610 W. Main St., Rockwood, PA 15557
Phone: (814-926-1500)
Hours: Tuesday & Friday 12:00noon-3:00pm
Website: http://www.rootsweb.com/~parahgs/
The Rockwood Area Historical & Genealogical Society is devoted to the study of the history of Black, Middlecreek, Milford and Upper Turkeyfoot Townships in Somerset County and Casselman, New Centerville, Rockwood and Seven Springs Boroughs.
PO. Box 98, Meyersdale, PA 15552
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00am-8:00pm, Wednesday, Friday 1:00pm-6:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
Phone: (814-634-0512)
Website: http://www.meyersdalelibrary.com
The library maintains a genealogy room in which a collection of genealogical and historical research items are kept. In addition to the family files and published and unpublished family histories, the collection contains the First through Seventh Series of the Pennsylvania Archives. County and town histories are also maintained by the library. Copies of the newspapers, Casselman Chronicles, Laurel Messenger and other periodicals are collected. The library maintains obituary files from 1971 to the present time. Church and cemetery records are part of the collection. The library also maintains photo and archive collections including the Frances Livengood Imler collection. The library also possesses the Cockley Collection of genealogical records
In addition to the books and other files, the library maintains the following on microfilm:
U.S. Census Records for Somerset County 1800-1880, 1900-1920
Civil War Veterans And Widows Schedules 1890
U.S. Census Records for Allegheny County, Maryland 1850, 1860
U.S. Census Records for Garrett, Frederick and Dorchester Counties, Maryland 1880
Reformed and Lutheran Church Records (for several townships)
Brethren Church Records (for Summit Township and Berlin)
Marriage Records 1855-1880
DAR Ohio Records
Family Bible Records
Tax Assessment Returns 1795-1854
Wills 1797-1895
Orphans Court Dockets 1793-1846
Survey Warrants A-Z
Meyersdale Commercial 1888-1912
Somerset Herald 1828-1845
Somerset County Star (Salisbury) 1899, 1909-1929
Meyersdale Republican 1991-present
The New Republic (Meyersdale) 1991-present
PO Box 134, Meyersdale, PA 15552
PO Box 82, Addison, PA 15411
Phone: (814-395-3743) (814-395-3469)
9102 Mason Dixon Highway, Salisbury, PA 15558
Hours: Meetings held third Tuesday of the month.
Phone: (814-634-0512)
Website: http://www.salisburypa.com/historic.html
PO Box 142, Springs Road, Springs, PA 15562
Hours: May thru October, Wednesday to Friday 1:00-5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm
Phone: (814-662-2625) (814-662-2327)
Website: http://www.springspa.org/index.html
PO Box 227, Stoystown, PA 15563
RD#1, Box 22, Friedens, PA 15541
600 Logan Place, Confluence, PA 15424
Website: http://www.tfvhs.com
417 Main Street, P.O. Box 39, Boswell, PA 15531
Website: http://www.boswellpa.com
RD#1, Box 250, Cairnbrook, PA 15924