A4/I/1226 *{See legend below}
Notice issued by Robert Galbraith to encourage weaving industry in Bedford County, 10 February, 1775.
Publick notice is hereby given, that for the encouragement of Industry and Manufactures, and agreeable to the recommendation of the General Congress, and of the Provincial Convention, that a Premium of Five Pounds will be paid by the Committee of Correspondence for the County of Bedford, to the person who shall erect the first Fulling Mill in the said County. Three Pounds to the Person in the said County who shall make the finest and best piece of Linen Cloth. Forty Shillings to the Person who shall make the next best piece. Twenty Shillings to the Person who shall make the third best piece; each containing not less that twenty yards, of Flax of the growth of this county. And Twenty Shillings to the Weaver, who shall weave the finest piece before the 1st of October next.
On behalf of the Committee. Robert Galbraith
Divers other articles are under consideration, for which premiums will be offered hereafter.
Letter from Bedford County Committee of Correspondence to President Joseph Reed and the Provincial Congress, 11 February, 1775
Ordered, That the following Letter from Bedford County, in this Province, be published.
Sir: We were yesterday favoured with your letter enclosing the Resolves of the Provincial Convention, and we have the pleasure to inform you that we not only unanimously and heartily accede to them ourselves, but (it being the time of the Appeal) we had the opportunity of communicating them to a large number of our constituents, who to a man signify their warm approbration of them. For our own parts we consider such prudent and patriotick Resolves (whatever may he the issue of our present unhappy dispute with the parent state) to he the most effectual means of promoting industry, economy, wealth, peace, freedom, and happiness amongst a loyal people, who, consistent with true loyalty are determined to hand down that liberty to their posterity which they have enjoyed at the expense of so much of the blood of their British forefathers.
It is with peculiar satisfaction, we assure you, that the people of this County shew the greatest unanimity and even anxiety in complying, as far as in them lies, with the Resolves of the Congress and of the Convention. For that purpose we have subscribed a sum of money, and advertised through the County that certain premiums will he given to the persons who shall excel in such branches of Manufactures as we have recommended them to apply themselves to, being such as we, from our local and other circumstances, could hope to undertake with any prospect of success, and such will be of most general use, and view.
It was impossible for us, by reason of our distance, to attend the Convention on such short notice as we had; but you will be informed by this time that the three first named of us were, amongst others, deputed for that purpose; and they, in the capacity of Deputies for this County as well as all of us in that of the Committee of Correspondence for the same, take this method to testify our thankful acceptance of every one of the Resolves of the Convention, and that we consider ourselves as much bound by them, to every intent and purpose, as if we had been present when they were entered into.
Letter from the Bedford County Committee of Correspondence to the Philadelphia Committee: The Bedford County Resolves, 09 May, 1775
Gentlemen: Not long since we were favoured with your letter of the 18th ultimo, enclosing the melancholy news of a number of Troops being ordered for America; in consequence of which we advertised a meeting of the County Committee, when the following Resolves were unanimously entered into:
At a meeting of the General Committee of the County of Bedford, held at Bedford, the 9th day of May, 1775, in pursuance of a notice for that purpose from the Committee of Correspondence for the said County: George Woods, Esquire, Chairman.
Resolved unanimously, That this County will immediately form themselves into Military Associations, and prepare themselves, in order to defend their lives, liberties, and properties, from any illegal attempts made against them.
Resolved unanimously, That each Township in this County shall be immediately notified to assemble themselves at a certain day and place most convenient for that purpose, and then and there, by ballot or otherwise, choose Officers in their respective Townships.
Resolved unanimously, That the said Officers, when chosen, shall make out a Roll, and each man shall subscribe his name in said Roll; and that the Captain shall immediately transmit a copy thereof to the Committee of Correspondence at Bedford.
Resolved Unanimously, That the Committee of this County shall purchase all the Powder and Lead in any store that may be had within the said County, and have the same put up in some safe Magazine in the Town of Bedford, for the use of the said Soldiers; and that each Company shall, by subscription, make up a proportionable part of the same; which Ammunition shall not he distributed without the orders of the Committee of Correspondence of the said County, or until it shall be thought necessary by this Committee, or a majority of them.
Resolved unanimously, That each Company in this County shall use their utmost endeavors to purchase or provide all the Ammunition they can, so that no person in the said Company shall have less than one pound of Powder, and Lead in proportion.
Resolved unanimously, That as soon as the said Companies are formed, they and each of them shall be subject to military regulations and discipline, in the same manner as any other of His Majesty's Troops are, (corporeal punishment only excepted.)
Resolved unanimously, That in case any person or persons in this County shall refuse to subscribe himself in a roll of some Company in the said County, in order to defend the cause of liberty now contending for, or by any ways or means whatever discourage or disunite the said Associations, that then he or they so offending shall be immediately reported by some of the officers of their respective Townships, to the Committee of Correspondence at Bedford, in order that such steps may be taken as by the said Committee may be thought most prudent; and that, in the mean time, no person or persons within the said County shall, directly or indirectly, have any dealing or commerce, by either buying or selling, borrowing, or lending to or with any of the said offenders.
Resolved unanimously, That all persons within this County that are not at present provided with Guns, Swords, or Tomahawks, in case of ability shall provide for themselves; and in case of inability, that the Captain of each Company shall immediately transmit their names, or their number, to the Committee of Correspondence at Bedford, that proper measures may be taken in order to provide for them.
Resolved unanimously, That each Township shall meet and choose their Officers, and make return agreeable to the above Resolves, within the space of ten days from this date.
By order of the Committee of Correspondence: David Espy, Clerk.
Note of the Council of Safety, 30 June, 1775
Resolved, That this House do earnestly recommend to the said Board of Commissioners and Assessors of the City and County of Philadelphia, and of each County in this Province, that have not already made the Provision hereinafter mention'd, and they are hereby enjoined, as they regard the Freedom, Welfare, & Safety of their Country, immediately to provide a proper number of good, new Firelocks, with Bayonets fitted to them; Cartridge Boxes, with twenty three Rounds of Cartridge in every Box, and Knapsacks, not less than... 100 for the County of Bedford... to be under the care of the Commanding Officers of the Battalions of the said Counties. for the immediate use of such Officers and Soldiers as shall be drafted from the Battalions from time to time, for actual service.
Note of the Continental Congress, 04 October 1775
The Committee of Claims reported their opinion, That the accot of the Comme of Bedford County, for necessaries furnished to the company of rifflemen raised in that County is just and that the same ought to be paid, amounting to the sum of £283.5.1 Pens. Curry (=755 1-3 dollars,) of which sum £48.5 (128 2-3 dollars) ought to he charged to the continent, and the remaining sum of £235.0.1 (626 2-3 dollars) ought to be charged to Captn. Robert Cluggage's company, as so much of their pay advanced to them. Ordered, That the above sum be paid.
* A-: American Archives, Series -; JC: Journals of the Continental Congress; CR: Colonial Records; 1: PA Archives, First Series; 2: PA Archives, Second Series; etc; / Volume / Page(s)