The Generations Of Adam & Eve In Lineal Descent Through The Kings Of Ireland And Scotland To Larry D. Smith
Adam and Eve were my Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparents.
~ ™ In summary, Adam and Eve were my Great(158)-Grandparents through Hamutal, the second wife of Josiah (King of Judah, 640 BC); and on through Tamar, the daughter of Zedekiah (King of Judah, 598 BC), and her husband, Eochaid I (High King of Ireland); and on through Ugaine Mar, the Great (High King of Ireland); and on through both Loarn and Fergus Mor, two of the sons of Erc (King of Scots - Dal Raida); and on through Aethelred (the First Earl of Fife, and descendant of Fergus Mor) and his wife, the Princess of Moray (and descendant of Loarn); and on through Duncan Macduff (the Third Earl of Fife) and his son Shaw, called the Mac-an-Toshich; and on through James Shaw of Dalnavert; and on through William Shaw and his wife, Mary (Townson) emigrants from Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland to America; and on through their granddaughter Elizabeth (Shaw) and her husband, Solomon Smith; and on through their great-grandson, Bernard Smith and his wife, Dollie (Nofsker).
The Complete Lineage
*Adam & Eve / Sheth / Enosh / Kenan / Mahabeel / Jared / Enoch / Methuselah / Lamech / Noah / Shem / Arphaxad / Shelah / Eber / Peleg / Reu / Serug / Nahor / Terah / Abraham & Sarah / Isaac & Rebechak / Jacob & Leah / Judah & Tamar / Pharez / Hezron / Ram / Amminadab / Nahshon / Salma & Rachab / Boaz & Ruth / Obed / Jesse / David & Bathsheba / Solomon & Naamah / Rehoboam & Maachiah / Abijah / Asa & Azubah / Jehosephat / Jehoram & Athalia / Ahaziah & Zibiah / Joash & Jehoaddan / Amaziah & Jecoliah / Uzziah & Jerushah / Jotham / Ahaz & Abija / Hezekiah & Hephzibah / Manasseh & Meshullameth / Amon & Jedidah / Josiah & Hamutal / Zedekiah / Tamar & Eochaid I / Irial Faidh / Eithriall / Follain / Tighernmas / Eanbotha / Smiorguil / Fiachach Labhruine / Aongus Oilbhuagah / Maoin / Rotheachta / Dein / Siorna Saoghalach / Oiliolla Olchaoin / Nuadha Fionn Fail / Giallchadi / Simon Breac / Muiriadhach Bolgrach / Fiathadh Tolgrach / Duach Liaghrach / Eochaidh Buillaig / Ugaine Mar / Cobhtach Caolbreag / Meilage / Jaran Gleofarthach / Conla Cruaich / Cealgach / Oiliolla Caisfhiaclach / Eochaid Foltleathan / Aonghus Tuirimheach / Fiachra-Firmara / Feradaig / Fergus I / Maine / Domadil / Rowein / Reuther / Eders / Conaire-Mor / Admoir / Corbred I / Dare-Dommoir / Corbred II / Luigdig-Ellatig / Modha Lamha / Conaire II & Saraid / Corbred / Eochaid / Athirco / Findacher / Thrinklind / Romaich / Angus / Eochaid Muin-remor / Erc / Fergus Mor / Domangart / Gabhran / Aidan Mac Gabhran / Eochaid Buide / Domnall Brecc / Domangart / Eochaid / Eochaid / Aedh Find / Eochaid & Unuisticc / Alpin / Kenneth Mac Alpin / Constantin I / Domnall II / Malcolm I / Kenneth II / Malcolm II / Bethoc & Crinan / Duncan I / Malcolm III & "Saint" Margaret / Aethelred & ----- / Duff MacEth / G. Macduff / ----- / Duncan / Shaw Mac-An-Toschich / Shaw / William & Bessie Learmond / Shaw & Helen / Ferquhard & Mora / Angus & Eva / Ian / Gilchrist / Shaw Coriacalich / James / Alasdair Giar / James Shaw / ----- / William Shaw, Sr / William Shaw, Jr & Elizabeth / Richard Shaw, Sr & Judith Briscoe / Robert Shaw & Mary Markhamm / Thomas Shaw, Sr & Susanna / William Shaw, Sr & Mary Townson / James Shaw, Sr & Catherine Kelley / Elizabeth Shaw & Solomon Smith / George Washington Smith & Celia Samantha Butler / Eldon Brookes Smith & Jennie Florence Bowser / Bernard Robert Smith & Dollie Edith Nofsker / Larry Dennis Smith
* Note: The lineage given above traces the lineal descent through Fiachra-firmara, son of Aonghus Tuirimheach, and then through Fergus Mor, son of Erc, King of Dal Raida. Descent through Erc's other son, Loarn to Aethelred is as follows:
Erc / Loarn / Muiredach / Eochaid / Baetan / Colum / Nechtan / Fergus / Feradach / Ferchar the Long / Ainfcellach / Muiredach / Eochaid / Baetan / Muiredachi / Ferchar / Ruadri / Cathmail / Domnall / Morgund / Domnall / Ruadri / Maelbridge / Gillacomgan & Gruoch / Lulach / ----- & Aethelred
Note: Descent through Aonghus Tuirimheach's other son, Eanda Algnach to Corbred, son of Conaire II is as follows:
Aonghus Tuirimheach / Eanda Algnach / Labrha Luire / Blathachta / Eamhna / Easamhuin Eamhna / Roighneim Ruadh / Finlogha / Finn / Eochaid Fiedhlioch / Bias Fineamhnas / Lughaid Riab n'Derg / Criomthann Niadhnar / F. Fionfachtnach/ Fiachadh Fionchudh / Tuathal Teachtman / F. Reachtmar / Con Ceadchadhach / Saraid & Conaire II / Corbred
Follow this link to a more detailed genealogy tracing descent from Adam and Eve through Shaw Mac~An~Toschich.