Descendants of


{Those (Nephilim) who to Earth came down, when the kingship was lowered from heaven.}


     The following genealogy is that of the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru who visited the Earth in pre-historic days, who, because they had come down to Earth were known as the (as noted in Sumerian, and later Akkadian, legends). A literal translation of the name is: heaven came to earth. In the Hebrew / Judeo-Christian tradition they were the beings called the Nephilim i.e. Those Who Had Descended. They were called the Watchers in the Biblical Book of Daniel and also in the non-canonical books of Enoch and Jubilees.

     The legends of the Anunnaki are some of the, if not the, oldest in existence. They come from Sumer, and from them were modeled the legends of the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Amorites, Egyptians, Canaanites, Hebrews and Judeo-Christians, Hurrians, Hittites, Aryans, Greeks and others.

     It was from the legends of the Anunnaki that certain of the 'legends' of the Old Testament of the Hebrew / Judeo-Christian Bible were derived. Although many Biblical scholars refuse to acknowledge the connection, the ties between the Sumerian legends and those of the Judeo-Christians are undeniable. In some cases, the wording of the Hebrew Bible almost exactly mimics that of the Sumerian texts in relation to the legends of the Creation and the Deluge. And even in certain instances, the scribes of the Hebrew Bible apparently made inadvertent errors by allowing aspects of the original legends to appear in the Bible text. An example of this is when God spoke to ‘someone’ about creating mankind. The Biblical text states: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...", revealing that the monotheistic Hebrew religion may have, in actuality, been founded on a polytheistic one.

     The fact that the Nephilim were ‘gods’ who were different than, but compatible with, mankind is revealed in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 6, verses 1-4, where it is stated: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were Nephilim on the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." In many Bible translations, the word Nephilim appears as the word giants. Nephilim has been mistranslated as 'giants' ever since Flavius Josephus translated it as such in his book, Antiquities of the Jews; it does not refer to size, but rather to origin: Those Who Had Descended. Also, the phrase the sons of God should actually read 'sons of the gods' because the word elohim, which is used in the original texts, is often mistranslated as the singular God despite the fact that it is the plural of the word El or Eloh.

     The legends of Sumer embody the earliest instance of the creation legends, and as such, are each of our ancestral history. The culture known as the Sumerians, who were the direct repositories of the Anunnaki heritage and knowledge, derived their name from either, (i.e. the ones who watch), or Shem.ur, (i.e. the people of the shem). The word Shem refers to the concept of a ‘highward, or upward moving, shining stone.’ Some scholars have proposed the theory that the highward fire stone was the name used by the Anunnaki and the Sumerians to describe their space ships in which they traveled to and from the Earth and the planet, Nibiru.

     This section has been included on this website because the beings they refer to just might be distant ancestors of us all. To the skeptics I say: Who can unequivocally say that the legends of the Summerians either are true or are not true? Who can say that the legends collected together in the Hebrew Bible are true or are not true? In any instance, it all boils down to a matter of faith and belief. In view of the fact that many of the legends to be found in the Hebrew Bible were derived from the earlier Summerian ones, if our faith and belief tells us that the Bible is true, shouldn't the Summerian legends, from which the Hebrew ones are derived, also be true?

       For a timeline of events associated with the Nephilim / Anunnaki, click on this link.

That Which Existed Before The Generations

EHYEH {aka EHYEH~ASHER~EHYEH translated into English as I AM THAT I AM}

         Who, or what, might have existed at the beginning of time and space?

         The AN.UNNA.KI, who came to Earth from their planet Nibiru, were not gods, if by the term god we refer to an omnipresent, omnipotent being capable of instant and spontaneous creation. The fact that the Homo Sapien Sapiens, which the AN.UNNA.KI genetically created out of the peoples who previously inhabited the Earth, revered them as gods, and developed systems of beliefs by which to worship them as gods, does not make them into gods. It is easy to understand why the emerging Homo Sapien Sapiens would perceive the AN.UNNA.KI as gods in view of the fact that they were genetically similar to the native inhabitants of the Earth, (perhaps due to a previous encounter between the Earth and the AN.UNNA.KI's home planet of Nibiru) but that they possessed more advanced knowledge and technology.

         But if the AN.UNNA.KI were not gods themselves, what, or who, would have created the universe and all the things within it, including the Anunnaki? That is the ultimate question mankind has asked since the dawn of time, ~ and I do not presume to know the answer. But I, like everyone else who exists as a sentient being, have the ability to ask the question. And in the asking of the question, I have the innate right to make a choice between either of two belief systems: Theism or Atheism. Theism entails the belief in a god, whether that be the Monotheism, {the belief in one god} of Judaism, Christianity or Islam; the Polytheism, {the belief in many, equal gods} of Hinduism; or the Pantheism, {the belief that god exists in all things in nature} of Druidry and Wicca. Atheism entails the disbelief in, or the denial of the existence of, a god. Which belief system i.e. religion, I choose is inconsequential, and ultimately a uniquely personal thing. In fact, the choice I make might change from time to time, but that will not change a simple fact: the Universe and everything in it, and the complex order by which living things function and thrive in the Universe, came into being at some point; there was some sort of impetus for creation. The impetus for the creation of all things might be given the name of force, or spark, but it is usually given the name of GOD.

          Mankind is unique in the animal kingdom because of one simple fact: mankind is sentient i.e. aware of his/her existence, and capable of questioning. The thing which makes sentience possible is language, the ability to express subjective thoughts. And one of the major functions of language from the dawn of time was to name things, i.e. to apply names to objects, events, situations and so forth. In many cases, the name applied by a sentient being to a thing is descriptive of that thing, or descriptive of the funtion of that thing. The very name of AN.UNNA.KI is descriptive of the beings who descended to earth from the heavens. Names are very powerful; some cultures believe that the essence of the thing is embodied in the name, and therefore the name of the thing is the same as the thing itself. This may explain why the third Commandment given by the God of Israel to Moses was "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain".

          The name of the god who existed before all things, who existed before the Anunnaki, and before the descendants of the Adam, can not be spoken. It was, is, and will forever be unutterable. It is, in fact, impossible for us to know, at this time what His name truly is. We can only apply names to Him which describe attributes. Therefore, since I descend from Hebrew progenitors, I will apply the Hebrew name: EHYEH, variously, EHYEH~ASHER~EHYEH. Hebrew scholars have also given Him the name of YHVH, variously, YHWH, and variously, YAHWEH.

          The three word phrase: EHYEH~ASHER~EHYEH comes from the Hebrew Bible, in the Book of Exodus, Chapter III, verses 13-14, in which the God of creation appeared to Moses: "And Moses said unto God, Behold when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM (ehyeh asher ehyeh): and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, 'I AM (ehyeh) hath sent me unto you'."

Generation No. 1

1. AP.SU1 {aka Absu, Apason, The Deep, The One Who Exists From The Beginning} AP.SU was the primordial being, the 'father' of the gods. AP.SU was associated with the Sun by the ancient Sumerians. According to the Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish: "Enuma elish la nabu shamamu..." {"When in the heights Heaven had not been named, And below, firm ground had not been called; Naught, but primordial APSU, their Begetter..." (according to a translation by L.W. King) "At that time above, the heaven was unnamed: below the earth by name was unrecorded; the boundless deep also (was) their generator..."(according to George Smith)}

APSU's spouse was TIAMAT {aka Tiamtu, Tamtu, Tauthe, Tiawath, Mother Hubbur, The Sea, The Maiden Who Gave Life, The Dragon Queen}. The primordial waters that the beings of AP.SU and TIAMAT encompassed flowed together, and by mingling, created all life. TIAMAT is associated with a planet which existed in an orbit around the Sun at a position between Mars and Jupiter, prior to its collision with the planet, Nibiru, and its subsequent division into the planet now known as Earth and the asteroid belt which continues to orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

Children of AP.SU and TIAMAT are: