The Tax Assessments
Of Bedford County
For The Year 1781

Please Note: During the year 1781, the number of Indian incursions into the region that had been created as Bedford County had decreased somewhat. EuroAmerican settlers moved back to their farmsteads, and the tax assessments and collections were once again taken.
Joseph Reed, President of the Pennsylvania Assembly sent a letter to the inhabitants of Bedford County "at or about Standing Stone", dated 01 March, 1781. It undoubtedly helped to assure the residents that the threat of Indian incursions would be dealt with more effectively.
Gentlemen, Mr. Canan being desirous to return before the Assembly have come to a Determination with Respect to the Frontiers, it is not in my Power to give a full Answer to your Inquiry with Respect to the Defence of the Frontiers. But for your Satisfaction have thought it necessary to acquaint you that the Council have laid a Plan for their Defence before the Assembly by which four Companies of 60 Men each are to be raised as a standing Force, & 330 Militia to be kept up for 8 Months, & so stationed as to be most useful to the Parts exposed. That an Expedition against Detroit is in contemplation & in that Case Endeavors will be used to act offensively elsewhere. This is the proposed Plan which we have requested the Assembly to furnish us with the Means of Execution, but how far the State of the Treasury will be adequate to the End proposed cannot yet be known. Nor can we give you farther Encouragement than this Account of the State of Things, on which you will form your Determinations. It will give the Council great Satisfaction to relieve your Distresses & remove your Apprehensions, & we flatter ourselves the Time is not far distant when this will be effectually done by an honourable Issue to the War, provided proper Exertions are used on our Parts.
Directed, -To the Inhabitants of Bedford County at and about Standing Stone.
Unfortunately, during the summer of 1781, a band of Amerindians, coached by the British, traveled southward into the region that was Bedford County and were met by a scouting party of Bedford County and Cumberland County Militia. The resulting ambush of the Militia by the Amerindians has come to be known as the Engagement of Frankstown. To access a page describing that incident, click on the button below:

During certain years there might be more than one copy of the return for the tax assessment. The returns were sometimes written out prior to the tax collector making his rounds, copying the previous year's return (assuming that the families that were there the previous year, would still be there this year). Then, when the tax collector made his rounds, he would add names in for the settlers who had moved into the region since the previous year, or cross out the names for residents who had left the region. If more than one return is in existence, the return from which the Pennsylvania Archives were transcribed will be included on the primary pages of the township, with the additional returns shown on an auxiliary page.
Ayr Township
~ Formed in the year 1754 within Cumberland County ~
Barree Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Bedford Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Bethel Township
~ Formed in the year 1773 from Ayr ~
Brothers Valley Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
Colerain Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Cumberland Valley Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Dublin Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Frankstown Township
~ Formed in the year 1775 from Barree and Bedford ~
Hopewell Township
~ Formed in the year 1773 from Barree ~
Huntingdon Township
~ Formed in the year 1779 from Barree and Dublin~
Millford Township
~ Formed in the year 1780 from Turkeyfoot~
Providence Township
~ Formed in the year 1780 from Colerain~
Quemahoning Township
~ Formed in the year 1775 from Brothers Valley ~
Sherley Township
~ Formed in the year 1779 from Dublin~
Turkeyfoot Township
~ Formed in the year 1773 from Brothers Valley ~