The Tax Assessments
Of Bedford County
For The Year 1778

Please Note: Of the various townships which were in existence during 1778, there are only four for which images are available: Bedford, Bethel, Colerain, and Cumberland Valley Townships. They were the only ones for which an actual, original return existed in the Bedford County Court House when I photocopied them. And, as will be seen, the only complete return (i.e. consisting of the list of Residents, Inmates, Single Freemen, and Non-Residents) is for Bedford Township.
Images and transcripts of tax assessment returns for Bedford, Bethel, Colerain, and Cumberland Valley Townships are included in this section, but the published Pennsylvania Archives does not include any transcriptions of Bedford County townships for the year 1778. One explanation given for the absence of returns for certain townships and certain years is the threat of Indian incursions into the region, and the fact that many Euro~American settlers are believed to have left the region for the safety of eastern Pennsylania.
Bedford Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Bethel Township
~ Formed in the year 1773 from Ayr ~
Colerain Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Cumberland Valley Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~