The Tax Assessments
Of Bedford County
For The Year 1773

Not all of the tax assessment returns, for which transcriptions have been included in the published Pennsylvania Archives dated for the year 1773, are extant in Bedford County at this present time.
Of the various townships which were in existence during 1773, only for Barree did an actual, original return exist in the Bedford County Court House when I photocopied them. Barree's return is included here in image form. The other townships are included in the form of text transcriptions of the information included in the published Pennsylvania Archives.
Ayr Township
~ Formed in the year 1754 within Cumberland County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
Barree Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
Bedford Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Brothers Valley Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Colerain Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Cumberland Valley Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Dublin Township
~ Formed in the year 1767 within Cumberland County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
On 26 February 1773, the county of Westmoreland was erected out of the western extent of Bedford County. When the new county was erected, the tax assessment returns for the townships that made up that western region had already been written out, so that the tax collectors could make their rounds as the spring thaws came.
The tax assessment returns for the townships that were destined to become Westmoreland County were transferred to the court house of the new county, but duplicate copies had been sent to the provincial capital of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. The publisher of the Pennsylvania Archives included those returns for 1773 with the Bedford County returns.
The tax assessment returns for those Westmoreland County townships are included here as transcriptions of the information provided in the published Pennsylania Archives.
Armstrong Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Fairfield Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Freemen |
Hempfield Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Mount Pleasant Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Pitt Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Ross Straver Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
Spring Hill Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Inmates |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |
Tullileague Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
{Not included in the published Pennsylvania Archives}
Tyrone Township
~ Formed in the year 1771 within Bedford County ~
 Residents |
 Freemen |
 Non-Residents |