1773 Fairfield Township

Tax Assessment ~ Part 1

   This page includes a transcription from the published Pennsylvania Archives (1897 Edition, Third Series, Volume XXII, Pages 23-25) of the 1773 tax assessment return for Fairfield Township, within Bedford County, just prior to the erection of Westmoreland County. The original return for Fairfield Township no longer is in existence in the archives maintained in Bedford County. The transcription is for the Residents.

Patrick Archibald
George Bartten
James Bogle
James Benford
John Brant
Lodowick Busney
William Cunningham
Michial Cawfman
Jean Campbell
Robert Campbell
Cornelius Campbell
George Eacar, alias Egar
George Finla
John Guild
James Gray
Thomas Gray
James Guffy
George Glen
John Hankston
George Henry
Daniel Hendrix
John Hamble
Robert Hanna, Esq'r
James How
Philip Harman
George Hutcheson
Michial Hays
Abraham Hendrick
Jacob Hargenough
George Henry
Alexander Johnston
Thomas Jameson
William Kilpatrick
George Kells
Nicholas Lute
Daniel Levoire
Robert Lochlan
Robert Lorrimore
John McMullin
Andrew McDowell
Nathaniel Miller
Robert Magaw
Edward McDowell
James McCurdy
Henry Overly
Martin Overly
Adam Niseley
Garrat Pendergrass
John Palmer
James Pollock
William Piper
Robert Read
Leonard Read
George Row
Arthur St. Clair, Esqueir
Robert Smiley
Peter Smith
John Simons
Samuel Smith
Andrew Sober
Henry Slaughter
John Smith
Samuel Shannon
Joseph Serena
Jacob Shaw
Thomas Thompson
David Thompson
Martin Witteman
John Wilkins
David Wilson
Thomas Cheney
Barbara Bonjour
Robert Magaw
John Hanna
John McNocher
George Beaty
Samuel Gibb