1768 Dublin Township
     {within Cumberland County}

Tax Assessment ~ Part 2


This image includes the second page of the original 1768 tax assessment return for Dublin Township, within Cumberland County, showing Residents' (interspersed with Non-Residents' ~ accompanied by the notation 'Valued @') names "Holt" through "Thompson".


Note: This image was scanned from a photocopy of the original 1768 tax assessment for Dublin Township, within Cumberland County: part of the region that would, in 1771, become Bedford County. This image was obtained from the Cumberland County Historical Society in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
   Note that this image, as with all the images for the Cumberland County tax assessment returns, comes from microfilm copies of the original documents. It should also be noted that this image, as with all the images for the Cumberland County tax assessment returns, was derived from the 'office' copy of the return, rather than the 'field' copy. For that reason, it will be noticed that the handwriting is similar throughout all of the returns.

   The following is a transcription of the names of the Residents which appear on the 1768 Dublin Township, Cumberland County tax assessment return, as shown in the image above. It is as accurate as possible. The published American Archives does not include a transcription of this tax assessment return. The earliest tax assessment return for Cumberland County to be included in the Pennsylvania Archives is dated for the year 1778.

Holt, Henry
Hunter, James
Harvey, Robert
Hunter, James (Valued @)
Lukens, John Esqr. (Valued @)
McCormick, Andrew
Owins, David
Owens, John Senr.
Owens, John Junr.
Petit, Elias
Ramsey, Robert
Ramsey, John
Ramsey, William
Smith, revd Wm. Doctr. (Valued @)
Steel, Andrew (Valued @)
Swaghart, Geo.
Thompson, Wm. Capt. (Valued @)